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Dr Marcel Van Der Merwe And Luke Cousins Inoculating Oranges With Fcm Eggs For Cold Treatment Trials
April / May 2022

Improved Cold Treatments for Increased Exports

SA Fruit Journal: April / May 2022

False codling moth disinfestation treatments that are progressively more successful, efficient, cost-effective and scientifically defensible, remain a goal for South African researchers. By Prof Sean Moore (IPM Portfolio Manager, CRI)

Every new export market that has opened for South African citrus since 1999 that required official bilateral negotiations to establish a protocol, has required that fruit receive a stand-alone cold disinfestation treatment, usually specifically for false codling moth (FCM).

But in 2017 the European Union designated FCM a regulated pest, which upped the ante significantly. In terms of regulations that came into force on 1 January 2018, SA's biggest export market for fresh fruit, including citrus, imposed zero-tolerance regulations for exports of citrus, peaches, pomegranates and peppers from Africa to Europe. Any live FCM in any of these produce from SA, results in immediate rejection and loss of the affected consignment, at a cost of millions of rands.

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