The SAFJ represents these fresh fruit industry subsectors.
The Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA) represents the citrus producers of SA and Eswatini, where citrus is grown.
Pome, stone fruit, and dried tree fruit
Hortgro represents the pome and stone-fruit, as well as dried-tree-fruit producers of SA. Pome and stone fruit are grown throughout SA, with a high concentration in the Western Cape.
Table Grapes
The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) represents the table-grape producers of SA. Table grapes are grown in five regions across SA.
The Fresh Produce Exporter’s Forum (FPEF) accounts for about 90% of fresh fruit exported from SA.
There are different harvesting seasons in the industry. This is a high-pressure period, where efficiency is critical.
Tips for storing your fruit for longer
Apples and oranges can be stored at room temperature. But berries and grapes require refrigeration.
Store fruit in breathable containers to avoid mould growth.
Ethylene-producing fruit like apples and avos can expedite ripening in the fruit bowl.
Ideas for overripe fruit