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Safj Augsep 2024 Cover

This bilingual, bi-monthly magazine’s main purpose is to transfer information to all role players and those interested parties in the SA Fruit Industry. We publish popular as well as scientific research articles of interest with subjects ranging from product innovation, agricultural services and training, marketing and exports, to international news and trends. This publication is an informative communication tool that unites the SA Fruit Industry.

The print subscription fee is R250 per annum for South African subscribers. This includes delivery of the journal at your doorstep.

As a grower or role player in the fruit industry, your subscription can ensure that you stay well-informed of the latest information and trends.

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From previous edition

Catherine Photo


Let’s shake on it

Ek het onlangs op ‘n brokkie inligting afgekom wat interessante konteks rondom die handdruk gee. En ek sien toe dadelik ‘n metaforiese verwantskap aan die historiese mylpaal van die vorming van die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering van Nasionale Eenheid. A popular handshake theory is shared on The gesture started as a demonstration of peaceful intentions. “By extending their empty right hands, strangers could show that they were not holding weapons and bore no ill will toward one another. Some even suggest,” they say, “that the up-and-down motion of the handshake was supposed to dislodge any knives or daggers that might be hidden up a sleeve.” With the formation of the Government of National Unity, the handshake must’ve featured as a key token of a commitment to working together during the tough negotiations that took place behind closed doors. Hopefully, this symbolism will also be adopted throughout the critical transitionary period that…

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SAFJ Shareholders and Contributors

Logo Citrus Research International Base
Logo Citrus Growers Association Cga Base
Logo Hortgro Base
Logo Fpef Base Update
Logo South African Table Grape Industry Base

The magazine is published by the South African Fruit Journal (Pty) Ltd and the control is in hand. Shareholders in the magazine are the SA Apple and Pear Producers’ Association (SAAPPA), SA Stone Fruit Producers’ Association (SASPA), the Citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA), South African Table Grapes Industry (SATI) and the Fresh Produce Exporters’ Forum (FPEF). We are guaranteed our readership, as all the members of these bodies have magazines delivered to their doorstep.

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