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Sa Fruit Journal June July 2021 Blue Bug Adult False Codling Moth Web Main
June / July 2021

Something bugging you? Blue Bug Insect Diagnostics

SA Fruit Journal: June / July 2021

Blue Bug Insect Diagnostics help producers identify insect pests in vineyards and orchards. By Jorisna Bonthuys.

Do you have an insect problem, or is there an insect you are interested in and want to know more about? Do you know the names of the insects in your vineyard or orchard?

“These are the kinds of questions our team of seasoned insect experts can help producers answer,” says Caro Kapp (35).

She manages the Blue Bug Insect Diagnostics (formerly known as the “IPM Initiative”) in the Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology at Stellenbosch University (SU).

Blue Bug offers a paid commercial service for insect and mite identification. The service was designed with vine growers, viticulturists and fruit producers in mind.

“We help producers and their advisors to identify insect pests early on, and to respond with timely and appropriate measures,” Kapp explains.

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