Extension briefs for June and July
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT False codling moth (FCM) | S.D. MOORE All fruit remaining on trees after harvest must be removed and destroyed within 14 days of harvesting being completed in the orchard. This is because FCM activity does not cease…
Extension briefs for April and May
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT T.G. GROUT, S.D. MOORE AND A. MANRAKHAN Phytosanitary pests All the recommendations made in the extension briefs for February and March also apply to this period. Fruit fly control in citrus areas is critical due to phytosanitary…
Extension Briefs for December 2018 and January 2019
INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT False codling moth S.D. MOORE The FCM Management System (FMS) for citrus, including the FCM Systems Approach, was implemented for the first time during the 2017/18 citrus season, with tremendous success. We can however, not rest on…