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Halothrips On Grapes Featured
April / May 2022

Haplothrips on Table Grapes in the Northern Cape – Friend or foe?

SA Fruit Journal: April / May 2022

Table grape production in the Northern Cape is primarily aimed at export, and markets set extremely high standards for the cosmetic appearance of grapes, as well as for agrochemical residue levels. By Elleunorah Allsopp and Michael Stiller (ARC Infruitec-Nietvoorbij and ARC-PHP Biosystematics)

Berry scarring due to thrips feeding (Fig. 1) and halo spots caused by egg-laying (Fig. 2) can render table grapes unfit for export. In recent years, reports of high numbers of large, black thrips on the new growth and inflorescences of grapevines have been received from growers and consultants in the Northern Cape. To avoid unnecessary spray costs and residue problems, it is critical for growers to know whether the thrips they see in their vineyards cause economic damage to grapes, and if they warrant control.

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