How often do we really compare what’s perceived to be true, to the truth? In The Bottom of the Pool, American author Andy Andrews uses the book title as a metaphor for delving deeper than the surface, in life, and discusses why this is so important.
He cites a key moment that followed, after Bob Beamon – former track, and field athlete – broke the Olympic world record for long-jump in 1968. Various analysts and commentators debated, “Can he do it again?”, to which they’d answered unanimously, “no”. But Andy reckons they should’ve rather asked, “Will he do it again?”, to which their response would’ve been acceptable.
The truth is, he asserts, Bob had already done it. So, answering “no” to “Can he do it again?” is a classic case of accepting what is perceived to be true, as the truth. Reportedly, that record still stands today and, sadly, Bob’s subsequent attempts to repeat that magnificent performance have failed. May “expert opinion” have contributed to this? We’ll never know.
At the time of writing, SA had beaten Scotland and Romania in the Rugby World Cup 2023. The Bokke having won the Rugby World Cup three times to date, there’s no telling what the scoreboards will look like by 28 October, when that last whistle blows.
Maar kom ons besin ’n bietjie oor hoe die vrugtebedryf – met volharding, veerkragtigheid en die ondersteuning van die regering – die streng sanitêre en fi tosanitêre maatreëls van die EU wat in die 1990’s begin het, oorkom het (interessant genoeg, herhaal geskiedenis egter nou homself). ’n Sterk risikoversagtingstrategie wat geïntegreerde plaagbestuursprosesse, fitosanitêre protokolle, verbeterde navorsing en ontwikkeling, en gefokusde publiek-private ven- Editorial SA Fruit Journal nootskappe ingesluit het, het die mededingendheid van die bedryf in daardie streek merkwaardig versterk.
Die bedryf het dus bewys dat dit wel uitdagings kan oorkom wat aanvanklik blyk onoorkomelik te wees. Maar sal dit weer gedoen kan word, te midde van hindernisse soos klimaatsverandering, die gevolge van geopolitieke gebeure, ’n trae ekonomie, beleids- en regulatoriese onsekerhede, infrastruktuurterugslae, en plaasaanvalle en -moorde? Wel, dis debateerbaar. Maar ons durf nie sê dat die bedryf nie kán nie – dis dan reeds bewys.
Attending the Witzenberg PALS (Partners in Agri Land Solutions) AGM in Ceres, in August, was a great opportunity for me to expand my agri perspective. But importantly, it was a stark reminder of how a shared vision and meaningful collaboration bring “can” into an equation. PALS applies sound business principles and employs legal structures and training, to help emerging farmers progress into the commercial domain – an example of a must-have model, as our need for food grows in tandem with our population.
Indeed, we can choose what we accept as being true, but we can’t change the truth. Enjoy reading this penultimate edition for 2023.