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At the time of writing COP 27 had just got underway – the second one held in Africa since COP 22 that was hosted in Morocco in 2016.

Global warming seems to shine the spotlight on an often-overlooked driver of the moral compass: intent. The more one observes proposed “mitigators” of global warming, the stronger the inclination to question intentions. This natural phenomenon has also highlighted injustices, like developing countries disproportionately bearing the brunt of climate change. Therefore, the recognition of compensation for “loss and damage” as an offi cial agenda item at COP 27, is a boon for developing countries in particular.

Speaking of injustice, the foreword on page 4 and “Compliance, counting the cost” on page 8 address the undue pressure of ever-increasing compliance regulations– introduced in the name of sustainability – on our growers. An in-depth study of these costs by Fruit SA reveals prohibitive numbers that – if left unchecked – will result in us biting the proverbial hand that feeds us (our growers). In essence, a good sense check is required.

Prioritising soil conservation, now there’s one sensible way of mitigating global warming. And 5 December being World Soil Day, this edition features ample content on the topic. Also among the featured content are market-access related topics like India’s approval of in-transit cold treatment of apples and pears, and opportunities for intra-African trade through the continent’s own trade agreements; as well as strides made in table-grape training at Stellenbosch University, and citrus “passenger” cultivars. And on a much-needed positive note, we congratulate Jasmine Bones, the ninth winner of Agri’s Got Talent (a signature industry event that does so much more than recognising singing talent).

Die jaar het tot ’n einde gekom en ons het die storm weerstaan. Kan ons net ‘n oomblik neem om onsself op die skouer te klop? Die bedryf word tans gekonfronteer met alles vanaf onvoorspelbare klimaatsverskuiwings tot die voortslepende gevolge van geo-politieke gebeure soos die Rusland/Oekraïense oorlog, voortdurende ekonomiese druk, ontwrigtende beurtkrag, sosiale onrus (soos die onlangse weeklange Transnet-staking) en eskalerende volhoubaarheidsvereistes.

Vier dus dít wat jy vanjaar bereik het (en dit sluit die wil in om op te staan en die dag in die oë te kyk, wanneer jy soms nie juis wou nie). Ten spyte van die 24/7-aard van ons bedryf, bou gerus herinneringe deur gehaltetyd saam met jou geliefdes deur te bring gedurende die vakansieseisoen. Julle verdien dit.

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