Technical Articles in this Edition
June / July 2022
Guidelines for the Judicious Irrigation of Table Grapes (According to stem water potential measurements)
Water resources are generally limited in most grape-growing regions, and inconsistent rainfall causes periodic droughts.
June / July 2022
The FCM Genome – Completing the puzzle
A project co-funded by HORTGRO and SATI has produced the first false codling moth (FCM / Thaumatotibia leucotreta) genome.
June / July 2022
TerraClim omskep klimaatsdata in inligting
Wes-Kaapse kernvrugprodusente kan beter ingeligte besluite met behulp van die TerraClim-toepassing neem.
June / July 2022
Extension briefs for June and July 2022
Integrated pest management, Naoespraktyke, Crop and Fruit Quality Management, Bemesting/Fertilisation, Postharvest Pathology.
June / July 2022
DRIS usage to diagnose tree nutritional status from leaf analysis and production data
Blaarvoedingstofkonsentrasies en opbrengsdata van verskeie produsente uit die belangrikste Suid-Afrikaanse sitrusproduksiestreke is ingesamel om die gebruik van DRIS as 'n benadering waardeur bome se voedingstatus gediagnoseer kan word te ondersoek.
June / July 2022
Pre-harvest and Packhouse Practices – Impact on shelf life, fruit quality and market access
Fruit quality starts in the orchard, but it's affected by the full scope of production practices.