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June / July 2024

Chelated Foliar Nutrition Products

SA Fruit Journal: June / July 2024

Not the solution to avoid phytotoxicity

Foliar fertilisation remains an important tool for productive management of citrus. By Pieter Raath

The use of foliar fertilisation in agriculture dates back to 1844 (Srivastava & Singh, 2003) – not a modern concept.
The foliar fertiliser industry is characterised by many proprietary products frequently derived from common salts that are mixed, in novel ratios, with the addition of adjuvants or compounds. These “complex, chelate or bind” the salt to result in a product that can be applied to fruit trees.
Since the 1980s companies have been using synthetic chelates, e.g., EDTA, glucoheptonates, polyols, amino-acids or lignosulphonates, glucose, and fructose, to formulate foliar nutrition products that are reputed to provide superior efficiency of uptake compared to inorganic compounds.
The large variety of formulated foliar nutrient products available in SA creates confusion among citrus producers, making it difficult to select the most appropriate product. Cutting Edge No.356 showed that, regarding efficacy, the product choice should be based on the minimum concentration of the nutrient applied, not the formulation. However, concerns regarding the development of phytotoxicity when nitrate or sulphate formulations are applied necessitate elucidation regarding the factors that lead to phytotoxicity and how to avoid it.

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